Bio developments

Renewed interest in CAR-T therapies makes the market a hot one.

CAR-T race heats up with flurry of new deals

By Zachary Brennan

The hype around developing new CAR-T (Chimeric Antigen Receptor transduced T) cell therapies, which can fight cancers by modifying patients’ immune cells, seemed to hit a new high this week, with two partnerships and an acquisition.

The comments might just be the tip of the iceberg

Amgen, Pfizer weigh in on EMA draft guideline on biosimilars

By Zachary Brennan

Biopharma heavyweights Amgen, Pfizer and a number of other companies offered their unique takes on the biosimilar draft guidance from the EMA, calling for more clarity and some new additions before the final draft takes effect.

University of Texas has spent seven years developing a nasal spray vaccine against Ebola


Ebola nasal vaccine under threat as funding runs dry

By Dan Stanton

Lack of funding is threatening development of a nasal spray vaccine shown to provide long-term protection for non-human primates against the Ebola virus, the lead researcher told this publication in an exclusive interview.

Green chemistry yet to attract drug industry

Pre CPhI Special

How green was my Valium? Not very, despite industry claims

By Gareth Macdonald

Making active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) is a dirty business and you’d have to be pretty green to believe claims drug industry 'demand' will create a $100bn market for environmentally-friendly production methods by 2020.

GSK is preparing 10,000 doses as a Phase I trial begins.

GSK begins manufacturing 10,000 Ebola vaccine doses for WHO

By Zachary Brennan

As more than half a dozen companies are now vying to help treat and vaccinate Ebola victims in West Africa, where nearly 3,000 people have died from the illness, GlaxoSmithKline is taking the lead in getting product manufactured.