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Safe liquid handling for commercial AAV manufacturing

Paid for and content provided by Single Use Support

AAVs – liquid treasure handled safely

Implementing safe handling of commercial AAVs vector manufacturing bear challenges. But there are process solutions to cope with scalable production of viral vectors.

Investing in high-purity guide RNA-Sumitomo Chemical Europe

Paid for and content provided by Sumitomo Chemical Europe

Investing in high-purity guide RNA to unlock the power of CRISPR therapies

The world urgently needs new manufacturing capabilities to realise the huge potential of genome editing therapy. Equipped with CRISPR-Cas9 technology, researchers have revealed opportunities to address major unmet medical needs through genome editing...

Eliminating Variables Is Central to Kitting Design

Paid for and content provided by Yourway

Eliminating Variables Is Central to Kitting Design

Flexibility has become a necessity in clinical trials. The trend of decentralization is a significant change for the industry and has grown increasingly common. While certain treatment or assessment visits still need to occur at the investigators’ clinics,...

Notes on compliance: USP 60 compliance doesn’t have to be complicated

Paid for and content provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Notes on compliance: USP 60 compliance doesn’t have to be complicated

When United States Pharmacopeia 60 (USP 60) came into effect little more than a year ago, it added a new dimension to testing for objectionable organisms in pharmaceutical products.
The regulation, which was triggered by a string of Burkholderia...

Staying Ahead of COVID-19

Paid for and content provided by Yourway

Staying Ahead of COVID-19

The pandemic remains a globally disruptive entity that can impede efficacy of clinical trials. Choosing the right partner helps you concentrate on obtaining optimal results from at-home populations.

Supporting Small and Virtual Companies for Clinical Trials

Paid for and content provided by Yourway

Supporting Small and Virtual Companies for Clinical Trials

The virtual pharma business model has gradually become a popular alternative to traditional pharma. As an integrated service provider, Yourway offers the logistical support from study design to packaging needed by virtual and small companies entering...

Tracking your Project from Packaging Line to Patient

Paid for and content provided by Yourway

Tracking your Project from Packaging Line to Patient

Supporting the delivery of clinical trial materials requires more than a logistics service provider. Clinical trials are growing in number and complexity. More trials are dispersed over many locations in different countries of the world with varying regulations...

Commercializing cell and gene therapies

Paid for and content provided by World Courier

Cell and gene therapies: Commercialization considerations

Moving cell and gene therapies from a clinical to commercial setting requires a transformation of the traditional supply chain model. World Courier explores the considerations for therapy owners.

How automation has changed the way we count cells

Paid for and content provided by Applikon Biotechnology

How automation has changed the way we count cells

There was a time when scientists had to pass by their lab during weekends. They had to break off personal activities to monitor cell proliferation and viability in the laboratory. Automation has changed this way of working and the scientistsdo not need...