Markets & regulation

Sandoz' Bioinject facility in Austria. One of several sites that could make biosimilar pegfilgrastim for the US

Update: Sandoz remains committed to launching 5 biosims by 2020

US FDA rejects Sandoz’s Neulasta biosimilar

By Gareth Macdonald

The US FDA has issued Sandoz with a complete response letter for its Neulasta biosimilar.


Amgen confirms it is working on a version of Alexion's drug

Amgen developing Soliris biosimilar

By Gareth Macdonald

Amgen has started a trial of a biosimilar version of Alexion Pharmaceuticals’ Soliris (Eculizumab).


Mundipharma releases 2-year Remsima efficacy data

By Gareth Macdonald

Mundipharma has begun the latest phase of its Remsima promotion campaign, unveiling two-year data indicating the infliximab biosimilar is as safe and effective as the originator.

The two largest risks cited among CEOs was access to capital and clinical results. (Image: iStock/Vladimir Arndt)

Biopharma CEOs shifting focus

By Melissa Fassbender

According to the most recent Biopharma CEO Confidence Index, CEOs are shifting their focus back to their pipelines and have plans to increase outsourcing.